Our Priorities

Fiscal responsibility

Foster City is facing a budget deficit of $4 million by end of 2024, as well as ongoing structural deficits over the next five years and beyond. I plan to work with local, regional, and state agencies to help address the shortfall. I also plan to collaborate with our city staff to create new, or deepen existing revenue streams.

Public safety

Foster City is one of the safest cities in the Peninsula. Nearly all crime types have decreased year-over-year. I’m very supportive of our police department’s emphasis on community policing. I will support our law enforcement and fire departments to ensure they have the necessary staff, equipment, training, and mental health resources.

Economic vibrancy

It’s no secret that our local retail experience needs to be re-energized. I plan to collaborate with our Chamber of Commerce, and city staff - including our to-be-hired City Deputy Manager handing Economic Development - to create strategic programs that attract and retain businesses to Foster City.

Seniors and youth

Seniors are our fastest growing population, and our youth are the future of our community. I want to bring generations together through programs that reflect our multi-generational community, such as bringing back our Arts & Culture Commission.


Foster City has made great strides in this area. Our newly formed Citizens Sustainability Action Committee has been working hard with city staff and council on advancing ideas and priorities. I would like to bring more city-wide initiatives that will deepen our sustainability impact.

Affordable housing

Affordable housing is a huge challenge within Foster City and beyond. I’d like take the learnings from great initiatives such as our Workforce Housing Program, in order to create more affordable housing that will help families stay together.